Welcome to the home page of the header archive of the IRAM-30m telescope. The Telescope Access for Public Archive System (TAPAS) provides a complete, homogeneous, and searchable database of the header information of all astronomical observations conducted at the IRAM 30m telescope. TAPAS was built in a collaborative effort between IRAM and IAA/CSIC. It is designed to be Virtual Observatory compliant.
TAPAS contains more than 200 header variables for each observational scan, encompassing- + information on the observing setup (source, frequency, observing mode, etc.),
- + information on the project (PI, Title, etc.),
- + the status of the system at the time of the observations (telescope, receiver, backend, weather, etc.),
- + and also the results of calibrations, of pointing and focus scans.
At present, it contains header data taken between end of September 2009 and now. The data base will eventually be filled with earlier data.
If you have used TAPAS facilities for your research, please include the following acknowledgment:"This research used the TAPAS header archive of the IRAM-30m telescope, which was created in collaboration with the Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía - CSIC, partially supported by Spanish MICINN DGI grant AYA2005-07516-C02."